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The Sheep is a unique enemy encountered in Hexen II.


Sheep are generally harmless creatures that are found mainly in Blackmarsh. Players and enemies can be turned into sheep, which is the only time that they will be able to do any sort of damage.

Sheep do nothing but wander the levels they are spawned in, and will occasionally follow the player for a short distance if they see them.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This creature is the equivalent of the Chicken in Heretic and the Pig in Hexen.
  • You can create frozen sheep using the Crusader's Ice Mace by first freezing the sheep and then immediately walking into it. The sheep will not shatter, and will remain this way for the rest of the game, unless they are attacked.

Hexen II - Enemies
Normal Black SpiderRed SpiderKnight ArcherArcher LordHydraSkull WizardShadow WizardFire Imp
Ice ImpStone GolemIron GolemBronze GolemCrystal GolemSand ScorpionBog Scorpion
Were JaguarWere PantherMummyMummy LordMedusaFallen AngelFallen Angel LordSheep
Boss FamineDeathPestilenceWarEidolon
Portal of Praevus - Enemies
Normal Black SpiderRed SpiderKnight ArcherArcher LordSkull WizardShadow WizardIce ImpPentacle
Stone GolemFallen Angel LordSheepSnow TigerSiberian Were Tiger
Boss YakmanPraevus